Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why I Adore Brass

Tonight I was thinking… and I decided that I really like brass.  All the brass instruments have a bright, cheerful sound, yet there’s also sense of strength/power behind them.  It’s kind of hard to explain… but it sends tingles up my spine.
Also, brass do not require reeds. Reeds are a PAIN! You have to soak them, and when they get old or dry they squeak or stop working completely.  Thankfully, brass have a metal mouthpiece instead of a reed. You buy it once, and it lasts forever. Unless you lose it like the person who had my horn before me…But yeah, generally speaking, mouth pieces are super nice, and they last indefinitely.
Another reason I love brass, is that for each fingering you can play several notes.  This is different than winds, where you move your fingers for every note.  For horn, I can play a chord and not “lift a finger” :)
So these are a few reasons why I adore brass- and you should too. Seriously, brass are the backbone of the band. Where would you be without us? Yeah, I thought so.

Ok, you know that awkward moment when you enthusiastically answer a question, and then you realize the question wasn’t directed towards you at all, and the person you answered (and the person they were talking to) give you a blank stare.  Yep, I’ve done that… quite recently actually. Awwwwkwarrrrddd.

New subject: My sister makes me laugh.  She’s always so creative with her adjectives. Today, she was telling me all about her rabbit’s tongue. “He has this cute little pink tongue! It’s so fluffy!”
Me: “Fluffy tongue?”
Em: “Yes!! It is!!!”
Lol I love my sistah x)

Now it’s time for ~wellness lecture~
It’s cold outside, which means most of us are staying inside, which means our germs are all staying inside with us too.
This is why it’s called “Cold and Flu season”.
If you’re sick, and you take something to help you get better, here’s a little advice.
When taking pills, you should never ever take a double dose.  If you do, you will most certainly feel equally bad or worse than you did before you took the pill.  Read the instructions carefully so you don’t double dose.
Other than that,
Get lots of sleep, drink water, and eat cheerios.
Remember folks, you CAN prevent heart disease. Cheerios, when consumed in combination with a healthy low-fat diet and an active lifestyle, has been proven to reduce risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol.
So don’t just sit there- go eat some cheerios.
And then go run like 10 miles. 
And then cough because of all the cold air you just inhaled.
This has been your ~wellness lecture~

So I could ramble on and on… about frozen squash, music, homework and so much more.
But, I think it’s time to call it a night.
Au Revoir!

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