Wednesday, January 4, 2012

El hospital

Besides the fact that today was my first day “back from winter break”, today was also my first day volunteering at the hospital!
It’s really amazing how it all worked out.
I applied to volunteer, but was told they didn’t need me.
But a few weeks ago, I got a call asking if I’d be able to volunteer after all
WITH a dear friend of mine!
Sweeeeetness!! :D
So today was my first day and, as you can probably guess, I was totally excited!
I got there 20 minutes early, and as it turns out, it was a good thing.
I entered the hospital, and followed the flags... and ended up at the opposite end of the hospital from where I meant to go.
Thankfully, the nurses were friendly and they showed me where to go.
When I arrived at my volunteer area, I was introduced to the adult volunteers, given a brief tour, and rapidly given a long list of instructions which I tried to commit to memory.
Then, the 2 youth volunteers who were supposed to train me arrived.  The first thing they said to me was: “Don’t pay attention to all those directions the adult volunteers gave you. You won’t be doing any of that.”
I was then introduced to more people, and given a new set of directions/instructions.
By now, I’m feeling rather lost.
I shadowed my co-volunteers for a few discharges, and then it was my turn to discharge.
By myself!
“You just need to calm down a bit.” My friend told me, “Move slowly and you’ll be fine.”
Ok. I’ve got this…
I discharged my first patient and it went pretty well- I only bumped the wheelchair into a doorway twice!

Memorable conversation from discharging patients today:
An elderly guy I came to discharge: “My chariot awaits!”

The other volunteers told me that new people get the short chair in the corner.
Cool! I get my own chair! x)

Lastly, they told me that I was not to answer the phone for the first few weeks.  But guess who answered the phone anyways? THIS girl! :D And quite professionally, I might add.

Other highlights:
 I learned how to operate the “Hot cocoa machine” :)
I got to push the buttons on the elevator! :)

Overall, I’d say it’s been a good day.

Random subject change.
Healthy cooking!
How did you know this one was coming? ;)
Added to our non-dairy diet, we’re now trying some “oil free cooking.”
Goodbye Canola oil.
Hello… nothing?
I like adding apple sauce as a substitute but in some recipes, it’s a bit weird.
Like pancakes.
So we’ll just skip the oil altogether!
Oil-free pancakes, here we come.

Well, that’s all folks!


  1. So are you going to be a nurse or something? I want to be a paramedic.

  2. I'm super happy/excited for you!!!!!!!

  3. Thanks Phia and Katie! :)

    Nathan: I don't know what I'm doing.. but I am enjoying volunteering right now.

  4. Just wondering. I think you would make a good nurse. Unless you can't stand blood.


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