Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Milk, Milk MILK! I want to wash my hands, my face and hair with Milk!

Some of us have been avoiding dairy.
And I’m getting frustrated with all the grocery stores.
Our pantry has changed a bit.
Coconut milk, for smoothies
Soy milk, for baking
Rice milk, for whatever.
We still have normal milk, but we aren’t using it for everything.
At this very moment, there are 5 different types of “Milk” in our kitchen fridge!
We’ve been experimenting with dairy product substitutes too.
Soy Nog, Instead of Eggnog.
“Rice cream”-tastes like ‘cool whip’ but has an ice cream color and texture. It’s not half bad :)
Anyways, I am a total dairy addict.
I can give up fat, carbs, and sugar (to an extent),
Stand between me and dairy
And you’re in trouble!!!
So it’s been trying as we make stuff without milk.
But it hasn’t stopped me from enjoying milk ;)
As we speak, I am listening the warm fire crackle and enjoying a slice of apple pie (w/soy milk in the crust), American cheese:), rice cream, and eggnog, REAL EGGNOGGG!! :DDD
Ok I think I’ve bored you all enough with this post about food.
This has been your  nutrition talk for the week!
Eat healthfully

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

"Writing Tag"

Yes, I'm doing another one of these thingys :)
My dear friend Allie did a tag with a writing theme.
If you participate please answer the questions then tag at least 1 friend notifying them that they have been tagged.
Have fun!

Do you prefer fiction, poems, or non-fiction when you're writing?
I like poems and fiction. Sometimes I enjoy nonfiction as well...

How many stories/poems/etc. have you started (whether finished or not)?
I'm not really sure. Quite a few poems... And probably 3 or 4 stories.

How many stories/poems/etc. have you finished?
Once again, not reallys sure. I did write a short story recently! You can read it here.
What is your favorite story/poem/etc. that you've written or are in the process of writing?
My favorite was a story I wrote with a my sister and a dear friend. It's called "The Wildfire Mystery."

Which authors inspire you to write and why do they inspire you?
Hm. Lois Walfrid Johnson! I adore all of her historical fiction books.  She writes books that give a picture of a different time period, while also proclaiming Biblical truth.
What are your favorite works by those authors?
"The Invisible Friend" is my favorite book by Lois Walfrid Johnson.
I'm going to tag Samantha.

Moonlight Sonata 3 - Presto Agitato

So I pretty much love this song.

That's right, more from -Ludwig van Beethoven-

Wouldn't you just DIE to be able to play like this??!

Anyways, I don't really have anything else to say lol
I'll let the music speak for it's self.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

When it Rains...

Isn’t it odd?
When it rains it pours.
You know how it is…
Lots of good things happen all in one day!
One thing goes wrong…
And suddenly everything seems to be falling apart!
And what’s even curiouser
Is that it seems to pour
When you least expect it!
Everything seems to be going just splendidly
The sun is shining
Not a cloud in the sky…
Then out of nowhere-
The rain falls in sheets.
And I didn’t think to pack an umbrella.
The challenge is praising God
While you’re standing there
In the rain
Without an umbrella
Getting drenched.
Praising him for the rain.
And not asking “WHY did it have to rain today!!!”
But rather “WHAT do you want me to learn from this?”
And trusting God to take care of things.
Even if it looks like it’s going to end in a chaotic mess when the rain lets up.
Surrendering all worry to him
Because he cares for us!

Friday, December 9, 2011

❅ ❈❇ Snowflakes ❇ ❈ ❅

This morning

I woke up and came downstairs.

Poured my coffee.

Sat down on the couch.

Looked out the window...




Thankfully, it was only a light dusting so the shoveling was easy.

I am so happy!!

Snow in December!

A white Christmas, maybe??

I hope so!

Right now,
I am drinking a frozen strawberry smoothie!

Why, I'm not exactly sure.

After I made it, I considered microwaving it, to warm it up...

But, I decided against it.  Smoothies weren't meant to be warm.

So now, it's time to go out there into the cold, slushy, crisp cool white snowy-ness

To brave the elements

And get out there and go places I need to go/ do stuff I need to do.

Maybe tonight when I come home

I will make some HOT cocoa

And alternate between enjoying my warming beverege and plunking out Christmas songs on the Piano.


In case it's not obvious ;)

Enough random babbling from me.

Enjoy your day!

And Enjoy the Snow!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I'll be home for Christmas

Another Christmas song that I love!

I'll be home for Christmas

"I'm dreaming tonight
Of a place I love
Even more than I usually do.
And although I know
It's a long road back
I promise you

I'll be home for Christmas.
You can count on me.
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents under the tree.
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love-light gleams.
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams..."

Listening to this song reminded me of our troop overseas.

Way over there, far across the ocean.

In the middle of a desolate desert.

As Christmas gets closer, they look at the calendar, and think of their family back home...
Wrapping presents.
Baking cookies.
Decorating the Christmas tree.
Singing Christmas Carols.
Making snow angels as the first flakes of snow fall from the sky.

Yet our troops are out there...alone... defending our freedom to do all those things we love!
The freedom to go places, like shopping for Christmas presents.
The freedom to worship, and sing Christmas carols!
The freedom to speak, and share about the good news of Jesus' birth, death and Resurrection.
And many many other freedoms...

Thank you guys!!!!

We love you guys, we're praying for you!
Come home safely very soon!

It's a lonely, depressing and dangerous place over there.
The troops need our prayers and letters of encouragement!

Don't stop praying for our troops!

The Young Messiah (Every Valley)

Possibly my most favorite Christmas music, is Handel's Messiah.

These songs are amazing... the words are scripture put to music!!
What better way is there to celebrate Christ's birth than to sing the words proficied about him in Isaiah?

These songs totally put me in the Christmas mood! :)

I know, some of you are saying: "Ugh handel's messiah! Isn't that like... boring opera music?"

Well, allow me to introduce you to: "The Young Messiah"

These re-arranged songs from the messiah are a 1980's music group's attempt to introduce the younger generation to Handel's messiah.

I personally think they're kinda fun.

Here's one of my favorite songs, Every Valley, from "The Young Messiah".

Isaiah 40:4 "Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain"