Saturday, April 28, 2012

Isabel's Week in Review

This week has been super busy.

The first half of the week I did a lot of math team prep and Spanish review.

Next week is my last week to prepare for state math competition and Spanish AP.

I'm especially nervous about the Spanish AP.  It's a really hard test; I know from experience :/
So if you think of me this week and/or on May 8th, and would pray for my test, I'd really appreciate it!

I really saw God's provision this week.
We'd been praying about finding a horn for me, since I'm graduating band and next year I'll be considered an adult.  ("Adults" don't get dibs on rentals. )
I really enjoy horn and I really didn't want to give it up next fall!
But we looked online and the horns were all really expensive and far away...
Then on Wednesday, a local music store had it's "big closing sale".
Mom and I both said on the way there: "If God wants us to find a horn, we'll find one."
Well, we walked in, and the prices really weren't that amazing.
10% off all music= closing discount???
But then we turned and saw the table where the used instruments were.
And what did I see but a French horn!!
It was significantly discounted, and it was in much better condition than my rental horn!
Long story short mom called dad, dad said yes, and we bought the horn.
I found out later that other people had their eye on that horn too.
If we had come any later, it would have been gone!
Yes, God provides and his timing is perfect :)

Later on Wednesday, we met our new volunteer at the hospital!
It was my first time training a volunteer and I arrived a taddy bit late so I was rather rushed.
And I was so hyper, it was crazy! The adult volunteer said to me:
"Honey, slow down. You're ok!!" Lol I must have seemed stressed.
Training went really well, thanks to my much more experienced volunteer partner Julia :)

Thursday was band.
I found out that "Pines of Rome" was indeed chopped! So sad.
Oh well.. our line-up is long enough already. If it gets any longer, our audience will fall asleep Lol

Yesterday (Friday) night was frisbee with some friends!
It was really fun.
The only problem was, I had randomly been doing lunges and jogging on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, and my legs were SO SORE friday night!
So I really didn't feel like running... at all.
But I got my workout!
And practiced my spanish w/one of my opponents :)
So HA.

Yesterday I got my drivers permit x)
Today I drove in our neighborhood a little bit which was fun!
Soon I will hopefully be able to drive on bigger roads.

So there's my week in review.

Enjoy your weekend!

Muy atentamente,


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