Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mind Games, Melon, and a Meal

Have you ever read or repeated the same thing over and over again?
Do you know the feeling when something that has always seemed simple and familiar suddenly seems forign and complicated?
This morning, I was stuffing envelopes.
As I stuffed, I was checking the numer of pages.
Occasionally there would be 2 pages, though most of them were just one page.
At the bottom of each 1-page paper, it would read: "Page 1 of 1".
Simple enough, right?
But after stuffing what seemed like a gazillion envelopes, my brain went into overlooooaaad!
Page 1 of 1.
My thoughts went something like: "Wait, did it really say Page 1 of 1? Is that what I read? What did I just read?"
I eagerly looked forward to sealing each stuffed stack of envelopes as a break from stuffing.
Focusing got tough.
It was quiet, I'd been sitting for a long time, and I was losing my focus.
So I began to play mind games.
Page 1 of 1.
I thought of the words as a title. A "paige" named "Wun", from a place called "Won", introducing himself to a king.
As the peasent introduced himself, he would bow and say "Paige Wun of Won".
Page 1 of 1.  I'd read the words, and stuff it in an envelope.
Pretty soon, "Paige Wun of Won" was meaningless as well.
I stared at the words: "Page 1 of 1". 
Those 1's looked like L's.
Almost like the familiar online acranym "lol".
1 of 1.
What about lofl?
Laughing on floor laughing.
It didn't make sense, but for that matter, what did?
Page lofl.
Page lofl.
It worked for a while.
Eventually, "Laughing on floor laughing" wasn't helping either.
Back to the drawing board.
Page 1 of 1.
I tried to reason through it with myself.
My thoughts were something to the effect of: "What does that mean?  Well... it means that this page is the 1st page out of 1 pages. What?? Does that even make sense?  One out of one pages total."
Those last few envelopes were grueling.
But, by God's grace, I finished them.
And I am very thankful to be done!

Yesterday Em called me into the dining room to see an exploading watermelon.
I asked her if it was in the process of exploading.
She said it was.

Doesn't it almost look like soap suds?
Believe me- it didn't smell like soap.
Rather than exploading, oozed/bubbled would probably be a more accurate description of the mess.
The watermelon's spew got all over the tablecloth and mom's nice placemat!!
Yep. Disgusing mess.
So the moral of the story is: just eat the watermelon before it has a chance to rot.
A sitting melon, is a rotting melon. 
The end.

Last night we had an acutal dinner.
It's pretty sad.
We haven't been having many real dinners lately.
The biggest reason for this would probably be my own laziness with the second biggest reason being lack of time.
Anyways, this dinner was a spin-off on a skillet dinner recipe we got from a friend.
We've been making the original recipe for years, but that recipe doesn't work now because we're avoiding corn.  Mom said our friends had mentioned replacing the corn with green beans...
So last night, we switched it up!!
  • cooked ground hamburger (it was cooked ahead)
  • chili powder
  • onion powder
  • garlic salt
  • fresh cut up tomatoes
  • no-salt-added kidney beans
  • frozen green beans
...and I think that was everything.
Just throw it all together in a pan and heat it for however long it takes for the green beans to cook.
Then it's done!
You can enjoy it plain or with tortilla chips. 
If you're not avoiding dairy, you could also add some shredded cheese.
Bon appetit!

Well folks, this has been your blog post for the day!

Sorry for the lack of "Photography Challenge" posts.
Hopefully I will be taking more pics/posting more posts soon!
Until then...

Buenas tardes a todos!


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