Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Smorgasbord de Julio

Happy Independence Day week!

July has been busy for me so far (and yes, I know it's only the 3rd day in July x).

And I haven't been doing much blogging, but I thought I'd do a smorgasbord post today.

This might be weird, but I tend to overbook myself. I guess cuz I like being busy! So when it comes to a week when there are lots of opportunities to go places, it gets really busy because I try to do as much as I possibly can x)
The plan for this week was/is(Lord willing) :

Sunday: volley ball at some nearby sand courts.  It was hot, but still fun! I played front for a few games and really enjoyed it!
Later that day we caught up with some good 'ol friends.

Yesterday: house cleaning, a french horn audition practice, and a music practice for July 4th!

Today: babysitting and later a parade and then fireworks!

Tomorrow: another parade, followed by a picnic and MORE fireworks!!

Independence day is always so much fun!

I enjoy these weird summer holidays that feel like weekends but aren't.

Yesterday I made m'm cookies. The AC was on and the oven was on. I guess you could call it counter-productive. But the cookies were/are good! :)

Dad was heating up some turkey bacon for BLT's today- delish!

In keeping with tradition, I painted my nails. Woopeee! (photog=Em)

The field is looking rather parched, as it tends to during the hot weeks of July and August. 

 We're replacing our old closet doors. As a result, most my closet is in a heap on the floor :P

 An important food staple in July is WATERMELON!! :D

Busy evening, busy tomorrow, busy week.


As you celebrate Indepence Day this week, think about all the fun/special things you are doing, and thank God for the freedom to do them!
We have been so blessed with so many freedoms.  Don't take it forgranted!

I'll be posting again soon, hopefully!

Hasta luego!



  1. I'm so glad to be part of your busy and crazy schedule! :)
    All of the food pics looked so good, and they were making me hungry. Once I got to the pic of the watermelon I suddenly got this urge for a piece. Too bad I don't have any and it's too late at night to go get some... :(
    Haha oh well. Great post!

  2. No watermelon?! You poor dear!
    Well, we still have some- come on over!! ;)

  3. This was the first fireworks show I had been to in a long time. Very, very cool!


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