Wednesday, January 11, 2012


So in addition to cooking w/out milk.
Let’s try cooking without eggs!
Did you know that eggs are also considered dairy?
And that most people who have milk allergies are also allergic to eggs?

I've been experimenting with some new recipes..
This is what I made the on the weekend for breakfast:

French toast made w/ vanilla soy milk and egg whites...
(Yes, it has eggs… next time it won’t.)

Side note: I am now in love with vanilla soy milk. Try it! It’s so good! :D

Does anybody have a recipe that’s egg/milk free that you enjoy?
Please share! I’d love to try making it.

You know what I just realized?
Pickled eggs… Chicken gravy and waffles… Tapioca pudding… they all have DAIRY!
All those delectable Pennsylvania Dutch foods… no more. 

Anyways, I’ve had a crazy week... I’m sick aaagaaaaiiin :/
I’m so ready to be healthy. Lately it seems like almost as quickly as I’m better I feel lousy again.

Random subject change:
My sister is as amazingly fantastic as they come-

Morning slipper pix= xuiiteness! x)

In addition to my sister,
God has truly blessed me with so many amazing, encouraging, special friends.

One of them just went back to school, I miss her a TON, and she needs to make a blog.
 *hint hint* ;)

Anyways, I’d love to keep babbling on and on, but I have some homework, long procrastinated over break, that is in desperate need of doing.

So, I’ll end my post with a song.

Surrender- Barlow Girl


  1. I love my eggs! But I guess if someone is allergic, they have to make sacrifices.
    Just wondering, do you have your chicken gravy on your waffles?

  2. Are you haveing issues with dariy that your trying to cook without it?

  3. Nathan: Yes, we have gravy on waffles.

    Allie: Yes, some members of our family have been having difficulty with dairy so we've been trying to make at least some food dairy free.

    1. OH. MY. WORD. That is... that is... that is....


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