Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Adventures in Fermenting! (& my friend Alexis!)

This is me:

Just Joking.. This is my friend Alexis!
Alexis is so totally psyched for this week!!
I'm sure you have no idea why. Lol
She's looks amazing modeling my blue jacket, no?
It's her first time wearing a blue jacket, and it will be my first time too!
Hooray for patriots- red, white and blue.
And for the people who wear blue jackets.

(Yes, I know my poetry stinks. Give me a break, I'm a blogger, not a poet, k? ;)


So, Last night, I *drumrolllll* started my first batch of kefir!!
I'm a total newbie when it comes to all this... stuff.
So I got up this morning and came down to drain off the kefir from the curds...

It looked like this:

I stared at it.
It looked funny for some reason.
I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I thought about it as I rinsed out the jars...
Kefir curds... described online as "little yellow curds that look like mini heads of yellow cauliflower."
This did not look like cauliflower.
It looked more like...


Yes! It was cheese!!
And that clear run-off was whey!
♫ Na na na na na, I'm an evil kefir fermenting geeenius! ♫
Actually... I kinda failed, if you base success on doing what you planned to do.
However, in the process of screwing up the kefir, I learned how to make cheese!
So really, my venture was still a success!
We make goals, strive to meet them, and sometimes we learn extra stuff along the way.

I actually didn't eat the cheese, as its been fermenting for.. uh.. probably 2 weeks now.
So I wasn't sure if it was edible.
But I plan to try to make cheese again in the future, and EAT it! :D

After digging through the cheese, I "rescued" several Tablespoons of real kefir curds.
Here is a picture:

They're kinda rubbery, yet they do indeed look like baby cauliflower!
Eventually when they've multiplied, I may try eating some of the curds.
For now, I plan to just eat the kefir.
If I can get it to turn out successfully.
I acutally have a little bit of "kefir milk" that did turn out.
It's chilling in the fridge.
Later on, it's going in a smoothie!


I really gotta go now.




  1. Oh for fun! Experimenting is such a ball ...

  2. Definitely! I'm so enjoying learning about all these new foods.. :)


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