Wednesday, January 18, 2012


So I, having just finished eating some oreos w/milk, was happily standing in front of the kitchen table singing a totally random song and watching Em eat a late dinner.
I stop singing mid-word, shriek, jump backwards and point at window.
Em gets up and starts shrieking, but won’t turn around to see what horror lies on the other side of the glass.
Me: “COONS!!!!”
Em: “Oh.”

It was pretty funny. I’m not sure why. Maybe just my weird humor, that I was so excited by a pair of raccoons checking out our bird feeder, and my sister was so disinterested.

Anyways, it’s been a busy day- I’m tired of trying not to cough! I want to cough my guts out, but my guts hurt too much to cough. Too much information… :P
Anyways I’m taking lots of vitamins and pills and drinking water and I hope to be better soon.

And the best part of today was: talking to my best friend on the phone! My spirit has now been lifted- She makes me smile :)
She always says:
“I have a good feeling about this.”
I never believe her at the time, but in the end it seems like she’s almost always right ;)
She’s one of the most encouraging people I know.
I miss her so much- You are the bestest ever, Katie!
Really, she rocks. And she puts up with so much from me.
Click on her name to see her fantabulous blog!

Ok, it is now time for doing other stuff.


  1. Aww!! You make me wanna cry happy tears!(: I love you so freaking much!!! <3

    That totally made my week!!

  2. :') I love you tons and tons! <3 <3 <3

    I feel privileged to make ur week ;D


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