First off:
My sister is awesome.
The awesomeest evar!
She is the coolest person I know.
And she's xuiite.
And awesome.
Credit for some of the flair goes to her.
I stole from her stash.
Ok anyways.
Second.... isn't this expression priceless??
He's "Gregory" from That Darn Cat. (The oooold Hailey Mills one). If you haven't seen it, you must.
Thats an order.
Anyone remember where this is from? Oooh yes. Turtle_wax. Thedoorwithin. Thoroughs-jump. horsegl.
Gooooooooooood times.
Too true. Calvin and Hobbes = :)

Psalm 8:2-4: When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Psalm 147:4-5: He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Cuando Un Amigo Se Va
Una magnifica poema, muy bien conocida y famosa.
A magnificent poem, very well known and famous.
Y es aun mas bonita como una cancion!
And it's even more beautiful as a song...
(Esperanza y Magdalena: Os gusta??? ;)
Cuando un amigo se va
queda un espacio vacío
que no lo puede llenar
la llegada de otro amigo.
Cuando un amigo se va
queda un tizón encendido
que no se puede apagar
ni con las aguas de un río.
Cuando un amigo se va
una estrella se ha perdido
la que ilumina el lugar
donde hay un niño dormido.
Cuando un amigo se va
se detienen los caminos
y se empieza a revelar
el duende manso del vino.
Cuando un amigo se va
queda un terreno baldío
que quiere el tiempo llenar
con las piedras del hastío.
Cuando un amigo se va
se queda un árbol caído
que ya no vuelve a brotar
porque el viento lo ha vencido.
Cuando un amigo se va
queda un espacio vacío
que no lo puede llenar
la llegada de otro amigo.
A magnificent poem, very well known and famous.
Y es aun mas bonita como una cancion!
And it's even more beautiful as a song...
(Esperanza y Magdalena: Os gusta??? ;)
Cuando un amigo se va
queda un espacio vacío
que no lo puede llenar
la llegada de otro amigo.
Cuando un amigo se va
queda un tizón encendido
que no se puede apagar
ni con las aguas de un río.
Cuando un amigo se va
una estrella se ha perdido
la que ilumina el lugar
donde hay un niño dormido.
Cuando un amigo se va
se detienen los caminos
y se empieza a revelar
el duende manso del vino.
Cuando un amigo se va
queda un terreno baldío
que quiere el tiempo llenar
con las piedras del hastío.
Cuando un amigo se va
se queda un árbol caído
que ya no vuelve a brotar
porque el viento lo ha vencido.
Cuando un amigo se va
queda un espacio vacío
que no lo puede llenar
la llegada de otro amigo.
La Ira
Esta es una poema que yo escribi para mi clase de espanol. Se llama "La Ira"
This is a poem I wrote for spanish class. It's called "Anger".
No voy a translatarla. Es mas profundo en espanol. Si quieres entenderla, pide un espanohablante o usa "google translator"(entonces, no es acertado todavia...)
I'm not going to translate it. It's more profound in spanish. If you want to understand it, ask a spanish speaker or use google translator( but it's not always accurate..)
This is a poem I wrote for spanish class. It's called "Anger".
No voy a translatarla. Es mas profundo en espanol. Si quieres entenderla, pide un espanohablante o usa "google translator"(entonces, no es acertado todavia...)
I'm not going to translate it. It's more profound in spanish. If you want to understand it, ask a spanish speaker or use google translator( but it's not always accurate..)
La Ira
Escrito por: Isabel
Que palabra es ésta, <<la ira>> !Que asunta!
Puedo describirla con muchas adjetivas,
Es fea, apuesta, y sorda,
Una pequeña palabra con mucha esfuerza.
La ira es fea, de ésto yo estoy segura,
Cuando la causa una gran lucha,
Y si es dado oportunidad, la ira guardara el rencor,
Hasta en fin una bala de escopetazo expresa su detesta.
La ira es apuesta, a quien encontrarla,
Es una sentimiento que se comforta, cuando se siente la pena.
Y un emoción que fomenta buena cuando la injusticia se enoja,
Y la pone chispas en los ojos agudos de una chica coraje.
La ira es un sentimiento sorda,
Ella no oye las gritas de los que se duela,
La ira desarrolla un odio para sus enemigas,
Y cerra sus orejas cuando un adverso echa flores.
Friday, January 27, 2012
A Good Night
Tonight has been amazing.
The nerves, the bright lights, the excitement!
It's all relatively fresh and new to me and I'm lovin' every second of it!
It was my second to last concert as a student!!
Scary how fast time goes!
Anyways 2 of my friends made it extra special:
Thanks to Jenn and Sam- you girls are the best!
They pushed, and they came without my asking.
Thannkkk you both!!! That meant so much to me!
Thanks for your love and support-
You totally made my night!!!! :D
<3 <3 <3
Some of my bestest buddies are from band!
We have so much fun together- practicing and performing!
Especially tonight cuz we were all so hyper! :)
Nights like this are where the hard work pays off-
What we work towards!
And I for one, love the getting all dressed up! :D
Seriously, what other time can you wear a cummerbund and bow tie?
Well, now we're done and it's time to start all over.
New music, new semester.
Can't wait!!!
Yet I can...
I don't want this year to end! :)
"Theres noooo business like shoooow business" ♫
I'm tired, but still wound up.
Need to chillax and get some rest!
G'night folks!
The nerves, the bright lights, the excitement!
It's all relatively fresh and new to me and I'm lovin' every second of it!
It was my second to last concert as a student!!
Scary how fast time goes!
Anyways 2 of my friends made it extra special:
Thanks to Jenn and Sam- you girls are the best!
They pushed, and they came without my asking.
Thannkkk you both!!! That meant so much to me!
Thanks for your love and support-
You totally made my night!!!! :D
<3 <3 <3
Some of my bestest buddies are from band!
We have so much fun together- practicing and performing!
Especially tonight cuz we were all so hyper! :)
Nights like this are where the hard work pays off-
What we work towards!
And I for one, love the getting all dressed up! :D
Seriously, what other time can you wear a cummerbund and bow tie?
Well, now we're done and it's time to start all over.
New music, new semester.
Can't wait!!!
Yet I can...
I don't want this year to end! :)
"Theres noooo business like shoooow business" ♫
I'm tired, but still wound up.
Need to chillax and get some rest!
G'night folks!
Quickie Little Post
Earlier I was listening to
Safe and Sound tswift on youtube
The Land of Make Believe Chuck Mangione- being played on flute.
Too weird for words!
Both nice songs.. but together... hm :/
I was laughing today at sophisticated music terminology.
" you play on the la la's?"
Did you know that if you put carrots in a bowl of water they'll sprout?
They sprout roots and grow tops!
Yeah. It's crazy.
Not sure why you'd want to do this unless you have rabbits or little rodents. But we do, so anywho...
Strawberry pineapple kefir smoothie today! I really liked it :)
You know whats annoying? Breaking in new double reeds.
Well, look at the time!
Tons to practice/tons to do..!
This has been your post of random stuff for today.
Safe and Sound tswift on youtube
The Land of Make Believe Chuck Mangione- being played on flute.
Too weird for words!
Both nice songs.. but together... hm :/
I was laughing today at sophisticated music terminology.
" you play on the la la's?"
Did you know that if you put carrots in a bowl of water they'll sprout?
They sprout roots and grow tops!
Yeah. It's crazy.
Not sure why you'd want to do this unless you have rabbits or little rodents. But we do, so anywho...
Strawberry pineapple kefir smoothie today! I really liked it :)
You know whats annoying? Breaking in new double reeds.
Well, look at the time!
Tons to practice/tons to do..!
This has been your post of random stuff for today.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
♫ Little Star ♫
The title doesn't really have anything to do with my post, except that the tune is stuck in my head.
And its replaying.
Over and over.
La la laaaa...
So today, I’m sitting, staring into space.
And I look up and notice…
People are staring at me.
Oooh, you’re wondering why I, a horn, am sitting with flutes.
Well, I’m just cool like that.
Get over it. ;)
Today I learned how to sell a house.
Or rather, work with a realtor to sell MY house.
And we did it all in spanish.
It was awesome.
Definitely a vocab stretcher lol
I charged 4 million for “my eight floor house”.
Did I mention it has 4 pools and appliances made of pure gold?
The paper weights are gold too.
And the pillows.
And the frying pans. (We use those to cook the turkeys in November.)
Anyways, the buyer would only accept the offer if I agreed to include my collection of wild and domestic birds.
Which was a shame, being the bird lover that I am.
But the buyer agreed to let me keep the penguins, since I was planning to move waaay up north.
I was hoping to switch to all wood appliances, but my realtor informed me that I would catch my house on fire.
Hm. I thought the north was too cold for that. Oh well.
So we sold my house and everyone was happy.
And we did it all in a record time of 10 minutes.
Amazing, huh?
Tomorrow: Big day!
I can’t wait!
Except I'm a tinch nervous.
But still: can't wait!
That’s all for now.
And its replaying.
Over and over.
La la laaaa...
So today, I’m sitting, staring into space.
And I look up and notice…
People are staring at me.
Oooh, you’re wondering why I, a horn, am sitting with flutes.
Well, I’m just cool like that.
Get over it. ;)
Today I learned how to sell a house.
Or rather, work with a realtor to sell MY house.
And we did it all in spanish.
It was awesome.
Definitely a vocab stretcher lol
I charged 4 million for “my eight floor house”.
Did I mention it has 4 pools and appliances made of pure gold?
The paper weights are gold too.
And the pillows.
And the frying pans. (We use those to cook the turkeys in November.)
Anyways, the buyer would only accept the offer if I agreed to include my collection of wild and domestic birds.
Which was a shame, being the bird lover that I am.
But the buyer agreed to let me keep the penguins, since I was planning to move waaay up north.
I was hoping to switch to all wood appliances, but my realtor informed me that I would catch my house on fire.
Hm. I thought the north was too cold for that. Oh well.
So we sold my house and everyone was happy.
And we did it all in a record time of 10 minutes.
Amazing, huh?
Tomorrow: Big day!
I can’t wait!
Except I'm a tinch nervous.
But still: can't wait!
That’s all for now.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
A Little Bit of Everything
It’s been a sloowww day…
Or rather, I’ve been slow.
Can't get it all done!
Time is slipping away! Ugh.
And it’s really my fault.
Cuz I’m using my time for all sorts of stuff
Like *ahem* blog posts.
Yeah. I may be taking a blogging break at some point.
I enjoyed chatting with my volunteer buddies this afternoon!
And I met a local realtor today! That was pretty awesome, and funny. You'd have to have been there but yeah, I was having another one of those 'blond' moments.
On a recipe site, I found a recipe for some scrumptious looking muffins, and the best part is- with an egg substitute, they’re dairy free! And it’s also possible to make them oil free, which would mean every member of our family would then feel good about eating them. So I’m looking forward to trying that :D
Also today: I tried drinking the kefir milk by itself -with a tinsy bit of sweetener. Whew! That stuff is strong! I think I like it best in smoothies. But maybe over time your taste buds adjust…? Hm. We shall see.
You know what? I have officially decided that antibiotics don’t do anything. At least not for me.
I'm not better, nor am I worse. Just stuck here.
I'm not saying I know the answer to being 'healthy'...
Vitamins and wholesome food don't seem to be doing anything either.
I'm just stuck on this perpetual treadmill of viruses/colds.
And I want to jump off but can't.
There is one thing that may help though.
It's called sleep.
And thats why I'm going to stop blogging right now.
And go catch some zzzzzz's.
Lots of them.
Or rather, I’ve been slow.
Can't get it all done!
Time is slipping away! Ugh.
And it’s really my fault.
Cuz I’m using my time for all sorts of stuff
Like *ahem* blog posts.
Yeah. I may be taking a blogging break at some point.
I enjoyed chatting with my volunteer buddies this afternoon!
And I met a local realtor today! That was pretty awesome, and funny. You'd have to have been there but yeah, I was having another one of those 'blond' moments.
On a recipe site, I found a recipe for some scrumptious looking muffins, and the best part is- with an egg substitute, they’re dairy free! And it’s also possible to make them oil free, which would mean every member of our family would then feel good about eating them. So I’m looking forward to trying that :D
Also today: I tried drinking the kefir milk by itself -with a tinsy bit of sweetener. Whew! That stuff is strong! I think I like it best in smoothies. But maybe over time your taste buds adjust…? Hm. We shall see.
You know what? I have officially decided that antibiotics don’t do anything. At least not for me.
I'm not better, nor am I worse. Just stuck here.
I'm not saying I know the answer to being 'healthy'...
Vitamins and wholesome food don't seem to be doing anything either.
I'm just stuck on this perpetual treadmill of viruses/colds.
And I want to jump off but can't.
There is one thing that may help though.
It's called sleep.
And thats why I'm going to stop blogging right now.
And go catch some zzzzzz's.
Lots of them.
So I used the kefir milk!
To make..
Banana smoothie!
Kefir, bananas (fresh and frozen), soaked chia seed, vanilla, honey, and protein powder.
It was good!
I made the kefir fairly weak today, so the taste was subtle, but it really added something!
I'm totally going to make it that way again!
I'd love to say more, but you know how it is...
Things to do, places to be.
Ta-ta for now!
To make..
Banana smoothie!
Kefir, bananas (fresh and frozen), soaked chia seed, vanilla, honey, and protein powder.
It was good!
I made the kefir fairly weak today, so the taste was subtle, but it really added something!
I'm totally going to make it that way again!
I'd love to say more, but you know how it is...
Things to do, places to be.
Ta-ta for now!
Adventures in Fermenting! (& my friend Alexis!)
This is me:
Just Joking.. This is my friend Alexis!
Alexis is so totally psyched for this week!!
I'm sure you have no idea why. Lol
She's looks amazing modeling my blue jacket, no?
It's her first time wearing a blue jacket, and it will be my first time too!
Hooray for patriots- red, white and blue.
And for the people who wear blue jackets.
(Yes, I know my poetry stinks. Give me a break, I'm a blogger, not a poet, k? ;)
So, Last night, I *drumrolllll* started my first batch of kefir!!
I'm a total newbie when it comes to all this... stuff.
So I got up this morning and came down to drain off the kefir from the curds...
It looked like this:
I stared at it.
It looked funny for some reason.
I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
I thought about it as I rinsed out the jars...
Kefir curds... described online as "little yellow curds that look like mini heads of yellow cauliflower."
This did not look like cauliflower.
It looked more like...
Yes! It was cheese!!
And that clear run-off was whey!
♫ Na na na na na, I'm an evil kefir fermenting geeenius! ♫
Actually... I kinda failed, if you base success on doing what you planned to do.
However, in the process of screwing up the kefir, I learned how to make cheese!
So really, my venture was still a success!
We make goals, strive to meet them, and sometimes we learn extra stuff along the way.
I actually didn't eat the cheese, as its been fermenting for.. uh.. probably 2 weeks now.
So I wasn't sure if it was edible.
But I plan to try to make cheese again in the future, and EAT it! :D
After digging through the cheese, I "rescued" several Tablespoons of real kefir curds.
Here is a picture:
They're kinda rubbery, yet they do indeed look like baby cauliflower!
Eventually when they've multiplied, I may try eating some of the curds.
For now, I plan to just eat the kefir.
If I can get it to turn out successfully.
I acutally have a little bit of "kefir milk" that did turn out.
It's chilling in the fridge.
Later on, it's going in a smoothie!
I really gotta go now.
Just Joking.. This is my friend Alexis!
Alexis is so totally psyched for this week!!
I'm sure you have no idea why. Lol
She's looks amazing modeling my blue jacket, no?
It's her first time wearing a blue jacket, and it will be my first time too!
Hooray for patriots- red, white and blue.
And for the people who wear blue jackets.
(Yes, I know my poetry stinks. Give me a break, I'm a blogger, not a poet, k? ;)
So, Last night, I *drumrolllll* started my first batch of kefir!!
I'm a total newbie when it comes to all this... stuff.
So I got up this morning and came down to drain off the kefir from the curds...
It looked like this:
I stared at it.
It looked funny for some reason.
I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
I thought about it as I rinsed out the jars...
Kefir curds... described online as "little yellow curds that look like mini heads of yellow cauliflower."
This did not look like cauliflower.
It looked more like...
Yes! It was cheese!!
And that clear run-off was whey!
♫ Na na na na na, I'm an evil kefir fermenting geeenius! ♫
Actually... I kinda failed, if you base success on doing what you planned to do.
However, in the process of screwing up the kefir, I learned how to make cheese!
So really, my venture was still a success!
We make goals, strive to meet them, and sometimes we learn extra stuff along the way.
I actually didn't eat the cheese, as its been fermenting for.. uh.. probably 2 weeks now.
So I wasn't sure if it was edible.
But I plan to try to make cheese again in the future, and EAT it! :D
After digging through the cheese, I "rescued" several Tablespoons of real kefir curds.
Here is a picture:
They're kinda rubbery, yet they do indeed look like baby cauliflower!
Eventually when they've multiplied, I may try eating some of the curds.
For now, I plan to just eat the kefir.
If I can get it to turn out successfully.
I acutally have a little bit of "kefir milk" that did turn out.
It's chilling in the fridge.
Later on, it's going in a smoothie!
I really gotta go now.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Pastel de Chocolate
Guess what I did today?
We had to make a dessert for this thingy...
I made a multi-level chocolate cake from scratch with chocolate buttercream frosting!
Aaaand a mini-cake with the leftover batter and frosting!!
Yes, I do realize the smaller one is partially eaten.
Somebody had to try it!! :D
Anyways, it was quite the adventure.
I failed to line the pan with wax paper, so the cake stuck rather badly.
But thats how we learn, right?
Also the frosting was a little challenging..
*Adds milk:* Oops! Need more sugar.
*Adds sugar:* Ooops! Need more milk!!
*Adds milk:* Oops! Need more sugar.
That was fun.
Time to finish cleaning up.
The annoying thing about cooking is all the dishes!
We had to make a dessert for this thingy...
I made a multi-level chocolate cake from scratch with chocolate buttercream frosting!
Aaaand a mini-cake with the leftover batter and frosting!!
Yes, I do realize the smaller one is partially eaten.
Somebody had to try it!! :D
Anyways, it was quite the adventure.
I failed to line the pan with wax paper, so the cake stuck rather badly.
But thats how we learn, right?
Also the frosting was a little challenging..
*Adds milk:* Oops! Need more sugar.
*Adds sugar:* Ooops! Need more milk!!
*Adds milk:* Oops! Need more sugar.
That was fun.
Time to finish cleaning up.
The annoying thing about cooking is all the dishes!
Snow, Puzzles and Losers.
I shoveled yesterday with the heavy shovel and the bad boots.
The snow is lightweight, but there's so much of it!
I like snow but not in such large quantities.
Crazy snowflakes...why did you all have to fall at once?
Why didn't you fall at Christmas time? Why wait for now???
Why can't you stay up there and dance around in the sky for a while?
I don't know what those snowflakes are thinking...
Oh well, I can't complain.
I asked for snow: snow I got.
Hooray! :)
New subject: Life is complicated.
Sometimes it feels like life is a 5 billion piece puzzle. A large part of this feeling might possibly be due to my over-thinking stuff.
But I find it always helps to take a step back and admit: "I can't figure this one out. But God is in control and already knows the outcome. Time to stop figuring and start trusting!" Easier said than done haha.
Today is Saturday.
I would like to dedicate this day to losers.
Losers who lose THE GAME.
Don't cry. It's ok. Everybody loses sometime.
In fact, I'm losing right now.
But you, haha, you will lose time and time again.
It is my strategic plan.
So just try not to think about it.
Try not to think about how epicly you are going to lose.
{Note: this paragraph was directed towards a special girl. you know who you are. lol}
I will close with Tchaikovskys "March" from the Nutcracker.
Because it's just that awesome.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Why I Adore Brass
Tonight I was thinking… and I decided that I really like brass. All the brass instruments have a bright, cheerful sound, yet there’s also sense of strength/power behind them. It’s kind of hard to explain… but it sends tingles up my spine.
Also, brass do not require reeds. Reeds are a PAIN! You have to soak them, and when they get old or dry they squeak or stop working completely. Thankfully, brass have a metal mouthpiece instead of a reed. You buy it once, and it lasts forever. Unless you lose it like the person who had my horn before me…But yeah, generally speaking, mouth pieces are super nice, and they last indefinitely.
Another reason I love brass, is that for each fingering you can play several notes. This is different than winds, where you move your fingers for every note. For horn, I can play a chord and not “lift a finger” :)
So these are a few reasons why I adore brass- and you should too. Seriously, brass are the backbone of the band. Where would you be without us? Yeah, I thought so.
Ok, you know that awkward moment when you enthusiastically answer a question, and then you realize the question wasn’t directed towards you at all, and the person you answered (and the person they were talking to) give you a blank stare. Yep, I’ve done that… quite recently actually. Awwwwkwarrrrddd.
New subject: My sister makes me laugh. She’s always so creative with her adjectives. Today, she was telling me all about her rabbit’s tongue. “He has this cute little pink tongue! It’s so fluffy!”
Me: “Fluffy tongue?”
Em: “Yes!! It is!!!”
Lol I love my sistah x)
Now it’s time for ~wellness lecture~
It’s cold outside, which means most of us are staying inside, which means our germs are all staying inside with us too.
This is why it’s called “Cold and Flu season”.
If you’re sick, and you take something to help you get better, here’s a little advice.
When taking pills, you should never ever take a double dose. If you do, you will most certainly feel equally bad or worse than you did before you took the pill. Read the instructions carefully so you don’t double dose.
Other than that,
Get lots of sleep, drink water, and eat cheerios.
Remember folks, you CAN prevent heart disease. Cheerios, when consumed in combination with a healthy low-fat diet and an active lifestyle, has been proven to reduce risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol.
So don’t just sit there- go eat some cheerios.
And then go run like 10 miles.
And then cough because of all the cold air you just inhaled.
This has been your ~wellness lecture~
So I could ramble on and on… about frozen squash, music, homework and so much more.
But, I think it’s time to call it a night.
Au Revoir!
Our Troops
Can’t stop thinking about our guys (and gals) overseas.
I think of them, pray for them, but go on with my life as normal.
But their lives are not normal.
They spend day after day pouring themselves into their assigned work, night after night struggling to sleep or maybe not sleeping at all because the danger and stress is enormous and constant.
Ruthless enemies, powerful weapons, ferocious animals, unknown land- it’s big, real and serious.
To see the pictures…
The harsh terrain,
The big weapons
And in the middle of it all, our men and women of the military.
They’re out there fighting for us.
Aware that any moment, at a split second, their lives could be lost.
Our courageous servicemen.
Oh to see them come home safely!
To have them here with us again.
But whatever happens, God knows best.
Keep praying for our troops!
For our brothers and sister in Jesus Christ, that their faith may be stretched and grown.
And for those who don’t yet know the Lord, that they may come to put their faith in him and receive peace and rest.
I think of them, pray for them, but go on with my life as normal.
But their lives are not normal.
They spend day after day pouring themselves into their assigned work, night after night struggling to sleep or maybe not sleeping at all because the danger and stress is enormous and constant.
Ruthless enemies, powerful weapons, ferocious animals, unknown land- it’s big, real and serious.
To see the pictures…
The harsh terrain,
The big weapons
And in the middle of it all, our men and women of the military.
They’re out there fighting for us.
Aware that any moment, at a split second, their lives could be lost.
Our courageous servicemen.
Oh to see them come home safely!
To have them here with us again.
But whatever happens, God knows best.
Keep praying for our troops!
For our brothers and sister in Jesus Christ, that their faith may be stretched and grown.
And for those who don’t yet know the Lord, that they may come to put their faith in him and receive peace and rest.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
So I, having just finished eating some oreos w/milk, was happily standing in front of the kitchen table singing a totally random song and watching Em eat a late dinner.
I stop singing mid-word, shriek, jump backwards and point at window.
Em gets up and starts shrieking, but won’t turn around to see what horror lies on the other side of the glass.
Me: “COONS!!!!”
Em: “Oh.”
It was pretty funny. I’m not sure why. Maybe just my weird humor, that I was so excited by a pair of raccoons checking out our bird feeder, and my sister was so disinterested.
Anyways, it’s been a busy day- I’m tired of trying not to cough! I want to cough my guts out, but my guts hurt too much to cough. Too much information… :P
Anyways I’m taking lots of vitamins and pills and drinking water and I hope to be better soon.
And the best part of today was: talking to my best friend on the phone! My spirit has now been lifted- She makes me smile :)
She always says:
“I have a good feeling about this.”
I never believe her at the time, but in the end it seems like she’s almost always right ;)
She’s one of the most encouraging people I know.
I miss her so much- You are the bestest ever, Katie!
Really, she rocks. And she puts up with so much from me.
Click on her name to see her fantabulous blog!
Ok, it is now time for doing other stuff.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Why I’m glad I don’t live in Iceland.
Have you ever experienced that weird phenomenon when you say something optimistic and then the opposite happens?
*Raises hand*
Yeah. When I said I felt better, I meant better than I was feeling before. But not best.
My virus/cold is still lingering. Maybe it thinks I want it to stay…
Dear Cold: as much as I appreciate your willingness to stay and keep me company, I think you’ve overstayed your welcome. Thank you kindly for visiting, and I wish you all the best on your life’s journeys, wherever they may take you. Sincerely, Isa.
Today I was thinking about road salt.
The stuff they pour on the roads to keep the main traffic routes drivable in the wintertime.
Did you know that in Iceland, they’ve been using road salt in their food for the past 13 years?
“The industrial salt has been sold asfood salt by mistake, Icelandic officials said yesterday.
"The salt is not safe because foreign entities can be found in it, for example rocks, metals and other things that are filtered out of table salt," said Reykjavik Health Protection Authority official Oskar Isfeld Sigurdsson to the daily Frettabladid.
Olgerdin Egill Skallagrimsson, a wholesale importer and beverage producer, imported the industrial salt, which is used to de-ice roads or in chemical production, from Denmark.
It has been used in food production by dozens of Icelandic meat producers, fish producers and bakeries for 13 years, Olgerdin said, but not sold directly to consumers.
The bags of salt were clearly marked as containing industrial salt, but Olgerdin chief executive Andri Thor Gudmundsson said company employees did not react.
"We were not aware that the salt was not certified for food production. We knew it was for industrial use, but thought it was for the food industry," he told Icelandic public broadcaster RUV.
"Olgerdin and the companies that used the salt in food production have admitted negligence and mistakes because the salt was not stamped 'food grade' and was not certified for use for the food industry. Olgerdin apologises for that mistake," it said in a statement issued on Monday.
MS Iceland Dairies, the country's largest dairy producer, said it had recalled five products from stores because the salt figured among their ingredients.
Health officials said the industrial salt was "not safe and should not be on the market."
"In the production of table salt there are requirements about the handling and storage of the product that are not required in regard to industrial salt.
"It is stored in different conditions and there are no requirements on checking for foreign bodies in the salt because it is not intended for human consumption," said Mr Sigurdsson.”
Whew! Kinda disturbing, to find out you’ve been eating road salt for 13 years..
Did you know that some places are now using beet juice on the roads?
Places like Niles, IL.
“The Niles Public Services department pre-treats roadways with salt brine, calcium chloride and surprisingly, beet juice, to prevent snow from bonding to the pavement…”
“When weather conditions call for beet juice to be applied, two specialized trucks pre-treat the roads with the agent that contains an organic product that “helps give the salt brine some tackiness,” Pilat said.The beet product helps give the melting product a longer residual time on the roadways.
*Raises hand*
Yeah. When I said I felt better, I meant better than I was feeling before. But not best.
My virus/cold is still lingering. Maybe it thinks I want it to stay…
Dear Cold: as much as I appreciate your willingness to stay and keep me company, I think you’ve overstayed your welcome. Thank you kindly for visiting, and I wish you all the best on your life’s journeys, wherever they may take you. Sincerely, Isa.
Today I was thinking about road salt.
The stuff they pour on the roads to keep the main traffic routes drivable in the wintertime.
Did you know that in Iceland, they’ve been using road salt in their food for the past 13 years?
“The industrial salt has been sold asfood salt by mistake, Icelandic officials said yesterday.
"The salt is not safe because foreign entities can be found in it, for example rocks, metals and other things that are filtered out of table salt," said Reykjavik Health Protection Authority official Oskar Isfeld Sigurdsson to the daily Frettabladid.
Olgerdin Egill Skallagrimsson, a wholesale importer and beverage producer, imported the industrial salt, which is used to de-ice roads or in chemical production, from Denmark.
It has been used in food production by dozens of Icelandic meat producers, fish producers and bakeries for 13 years, Olgerdin said, but not sold directly to consumers.
The bags of salt were clearly marked as containing industrial salt, but Olgerdin chief executive Andri Thor Gudmundsson said company employees did not react.
"We were not aware that the salt was not certified for food production. We knew it was for industrial use, but thought it was for the food industry," he told Icelandic public broadcaster RUV.
"Olgerdin and the companies that used the salt in food production have admitted negligence and mistakes because the salt was not stamped 'food grade' and was not certified for use for the food industry. Olgerdin apologises for that mistake," it said in a statement issued on Monday.
MS Iceland Dairies, the country's largest dairy producer, said it had recalled five products from stores because the salt figured among their ingredients.
Health officials said the industrial salt was "not safe and should not be on the market."
"In the production of table salt there are requirements about the handling and storage of the product that are not required in regard to industrial salt.
"It is stored in different conditions and there are no requirements on checking for foreign bodies in the salt because it is not intended for human consumption," said Mr Sigurdsson.”
Whew! Kinda disturbing, to find out you’ve been eating road salt for 13 years..
Did you know that some places are now using beet juice on the roads?
Places like Niles, IL.
“The Niles Public Services department pre-treats roadways with salt brine, calcium chloride and surprisingly, beet juice, to prevent snow from bonding to the pavement…”
“When weather conditions call for beet juice to be applied, two specialized trucks pre-treat the roads with the agent that contains an organic product that “helps give the salt brine some tackiness,” Pilat said.The beet product helps give the melting product a longer residual time on the roadways.
“When snow falls and it hits the product, the snow starts to melt,” Pilat said. “It won’t melt all the snow that falls, but it stops the snow from bonding to the pavement, so when we hit it with the snowplow, the snow is loose and flies off the road.”
The organic product does not have to come from the purple produce—some municipalities use a corn product— but using it saves the village money and makes the salt less corrosive, which is helpful to the environment, he said.”
Cool huh?
Go Beets!
I don’t like road salt.
Would you like to know why?
Because it eats into the undercarriage of automobiles and causes RUST!
And the rust in turn eats up your car till there’s nothing left but a pile of crumbly brown stuff.
Its really all the snow’s fault.
If it didn’t snow, we wouldn’t need salt.
But I don’t care.
I love the fresh, cold, soft, pure, delicate snow.
Falling in layers upon layers.
Then melting
Then refreezing so it’s hard on top!
Then I can go running across it and hear it crunching under my feet.
And go skating outside as the snow is falling.
I want to go ice skating.
Right now.
Unfortunately, I have other things that need doing.
I should go do them now.
El fin.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Some people have told me that lately my blog seems to be focused on food.
But that is not entirely correct.
It has been centered on cooking.
Or baking.
Or smoothie-ing (sp?)
My style is sometimes known as “experimenting”.
I’m feeling a lot better, and with feeling better my appetite has returned!
And with my appetite comes a desire to cook and look up recipes again.
Today my mom made a fruit smoothie with kefir curds!
And it was sooo delish!
And to make it even healthier, I opened up a capsul of fish oil and added it.
In case you didn’t know, fish oil is really good for you.
Especially if you don’t eat fish.
Which I do.
I actually had salmon for dinner.
But anyways, back to the smoothie.
It was really good, and you couldn’t even taste the fish oil.
So I’m now resolved to add fish oil to all my smoothies.
Hehehe }:)
Just don’t tell my sister. She won’t eat smoothies if there’s anything “weird” in them.
Did I ever tell you guys about that one smoothie I made?
No, I don’t think I did…
Well, a few weeks back, I was in a particularly creative mood.
And I wanted to make “The world’s most healthy smoothie”
So I took some soaked sesame, flax and chia seed,
Added some carrots
And some soaked almonds
And some coconut milk
And some apple juice
And protein powder.
May I just say
I almost never refuse to finish eating something
But I did not finish that smoothie.
I tried adding ice
And plugging my nose
And dipping oreos in it…
But it was just too nasty.
So I wanted to warn others out there.
Don’t try putting those ingredients together
Cuz I tried it
And You don’t want to.
Nuf said.
So this week I want to try making a new dessert.
I’m just in one of those moods.
So I'm gonna go on some baking sites
and find some new dessert "experiments" :)
I'll inform you of the outcome.
When I get time.
And if it turns out.
Ok that was a long blog post.
The end.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Music Lessons
What a week!
It’s been like a roller-coaster…
One of those weeks where you wish you had a fast-forward button to skip to the end of it...
I’m exhausted and it’s only Wednesday!
Today was orientation for volunteering.
I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t feel up to it.
But it was totally worth it!
I now know how to put out a fire, push a wheelchair and wash my hands!
And I got my photo ID
I was so tired, my picture looks like I’m falling asleep.
Oh well.
It is what it is.
So after coming home all exhausted,
Imagine my surprise
To walk in on a clarinet lesson.
That’s right:
My sis is offering lessons.
Lol jk
But I did walk in on a lesson.
They got through almost an entire book, in just 2 hours!
I think that’s pretty amazing
Let’s give them a big hand!!!
You should hear the laughter coming from the other room right now…
Who knew clarinet could be so funny??
They’re a pretty awesome duet: Bass and Bb.
Here they are, happy as happy can be.
Here they are blowing their brains out.
3M & 5am
Dynamic Duo!
Gotta love those girls.
Ok, I’m gonna go rest and try to get better now.
Oh, to be healthy again!
I'm not really complaining
Just thinking wishfully...
I hope it’s soon.
So in addition to cooking w/out milk.
Let’s try cooking without eggs!
Did you know that eggs are also considered dairy?
And that most people who have milk allergies are also allergic to eggs?
I've been experimenting with some new recipes..
This is what I made the on the weekend for breakfast:
French toast made w/ vanilla soy milk and egg whites...
(Yes, it has eggs… next time it won’t.)
Side note: I am now in love with vanilla soy milk. Try it! It’s so good! :D
Does anybody have a recipe that’s egg/milk free that you enjoy?
Please share! I’d love to try making it.
You know what I just realized?
Pickled eggs… Chicken gravy and waffles… Tapioca pudding… they all have DAIRY!
All those delectable Pennsylvania Dutch foods… no more.
Anyways, I’ve had a crazy week... I’m sick aaagaaaaiiin :/
I’m so ready to be healthy. Lately it seems like almost as quickly as I’m better I feel lousy again.
Random subject change:
My sister is as amazingly fantastic as they come-
Morning slipper pix= xuiiteness! x)
In addition to my sister,
God has truly blessed me with so many amazing, encouraging, special friends.
One of them just went back to school, I miss her a TON, and she needs to make a blog.
*hint hint* ;)
Anyways, I’d love to keep babbling on and on, but I have some homework, long procrastinated over break, that is in desperate need of doing.
So, I’ll end my post with a song.
Surrender- Barlow Girl
Monday, January 9, 2012
It is Well
We sang this at church yesterday.
I love the words.
And I'm not really feeling profound today so I dont have much to say.
I'll let the music speak for itself.
This version is by selah- its a medly of "Pass me not/It is Well".
The lyrics are below.
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
I love the words.
And I'm not really feeling profound today so I dont have much to say.
I'll let the music speak for itself.
This version is by selah- its a medly of "Pass me not/It is Well".
The lyrics are below.
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
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