Thursday, March 29, 2012

Forgetful Me

Do you recall that horrifying moment

When you reach down for your purse

Only to discover....

It's not there!

You're heart starts beating a mile a minute as you mentally retrace all your steps.

You call the friends who were with you, ask them if they remember seeing it.

Often, this panic is followed by a drive back to all the places you visited, and frantic backtracking.

This has happened to me a lot recently... twice with my purse, once with my coat.
All within the last month, actually! :/
Thankfully, I didn't lose anything (Praise the Lord!).

Nevertheless, it isn't an experience I want to repeat.

I think I would now qualify myself as an expert in the area of leaving stuff behind, and I'd like to give you a few words of advice so you don't make the same mistake I did.

1) Don't put put your purse down.  If you must set it down for some reason, make sure its either in your car, on your lap, on your foot, or right in front of you so you trip over it if you try to walk away.

2) If you are carrying lots of stuff (backpack, bags, instruments, etc) with you, just leave your purse at home! It's way to easy to forget your purse, when you're carrying so much other stuff. Bring a wallet in your pocket instead.

3) No matter how warm you get, don't take your coat off. If you're warm and you take your coat off, you won't miss it when you leave... and you won't realize it's gone till the next time you leave your house!
If you must must must take your coat off, carry it on your arm or put it in your car right away!

4) Whenever you leave anywhere, ask yourself: Coat? Purse?
This will save you lots of stress. Believe me ;)


Once again, I'm sick. I think it was allergy induced... My system just wasnt ready for all this allergy stuff in MARCH!

It's frustrating to be sick when there's so much needing to be done and so much going on: school, schedule, life... etc.


But it's for the better. God knew I needed a few days to rest.  Being sick has forced me to take a quick break, which I otherwise wouldn't have taken due to the late hour in this school year and the studying that needs to be done. 

I was dying at band practice. Try playing a wind instrument when you can't breathe through your nose- *GASPS FOR AIR*  Ay ay ay...

Well, I think it's time to call it a night.

I leave you with this inspirational song

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