Hello All!
I just wanted to let you know that I have not, in fact, fallen off the face of the earth.
Things have been busy/crazy; thusly, I have not kept up with this challenge as I would have liked.
So please excuse this break in posting.
More photos will (Lord willing!) be coming soon!
Hope you're all having a superb Sunday!

Psalm 8:2-4: When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Psalm 147:4-5: He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
My Sister
Hello faithful followers!
I hope that each and every one of you are having a maaarvelous day!
I would like to introduce you to a dear friend of mine.
This is my sister (see below).
My sis likes rabbits.
She's awesome in countless ways and I loveeee her sooo much, much, much!
Shout-out to M: you're a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious sister. Love ya!
I hope that each and every one of you are having a maaarvelous day!
I would like to introduce you to a dear friend of mine.
This is my sister (see below).
My sis likes rabbits.
She's awesome in countless ways and I loveeee her sooo much, much, much!
Shout-out to M: you're a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious sister. Love ya!
Day 9: << Someone you love >>
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Burning The Candle at Both Ends
This statement is not really true of me in the sense of working oneself to death.
But as far as staying up much later than practical with respect to how early one is wakes up, I have been "burning the candle at both ends" as of late.
This is a bad habit, because it drains you of energy, which can cause sluggishness, grouchyness, and unproductivity.
People need sleep.
We were created with a need to sleep each night.
So tonight, make sure you get plenty of shut-eye.
Don't burn the candle at both ends!
But as far as staying up much later than practical with respect to how early one is wakes up, I have been "burning the candle at both ends" as of late.
This is a bad habit, because it drains you of energy, which can cause sluggishness, grouchyness, and unproductivity.
People need sleep.
We were created with a need to sleep each night.
So tonight, make sure you get plenty of shut-eye.
Don't burn the candle at both ends!
Day 8: << A bad habit >>
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
5 a Day :)
Have you ever heard that phrase "5 a day"?
Well, today I photographed 5 pieces of fruit.
After taking the picture, I proceeded to eat the pear.
It was delicious :]
Gotta eat your fruits ( -and veggies!!!).
Well, today I photographed 5 pieces of fruit.
After taking the picture, I proceeded to eat the pear.
It was delicious :]
Gotta eat your fruits ( -and veggies!!!).
Day 7: << Fruit >>
Monday, September 24, 2012
Looking Up
And now, for today's picture:
Day 6: << From a low angle >>
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Looking Down
The weekend is over!
How is that?!
Day 5: << From a high angle >>
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Avocado, crushed red pepper, lime juice.
Que Deliciosaaaaa!
Que Deliciosaaaaa!
Day 4: << Something green >>
How can you beet a smoothie like this one?!
I was sitting in a waiting room looking at a magazine, and came across a smoothie recipe.
"Berries & Beets".
It looked like a fun smoothie! I took a picture of the recipe so I could try it at home! :)
I didn't end up totally following the recipe. Substituted more frozen (rather than fresh) stuff, switched out raspberries for blackberries and agave nectar for honey, and added chia seed. I also used canned beets instead of plain cooked beets.
Here's the list of ingredients I used:
Frozen blueberries
Frozen black berries
Canned beets
Non-fat plain greek yogurt
Orange juice
Chia seed
Blend and enjoy :)
*Note: you will taste the beets. If you don't like beets, you might not like this smoothie.
"Berries & Beets".
It looked like a fun smoothie! I took a picture of the recipe so I could try it at home! :)
I didn't end up totally following the recipe. Substituted more frozen (rather than fresh) stuff, switched out raspberries for blackberries and agave nectar for honey, and added chia seed. I also used canned beets instead of plain cooked beets.
Here's the list of ingredients I used:
Frozen blueberries
Frozen black berries
Canned beets
Non-fat plain greek yogurt
Orange juice
Chia seed
Blend and enjoy :)
*Note: you will taste the beets. If you don't like beets, you might not like this smoothie.
Friday, September 21, 2012
A Rainy Day
Today has been a rainy day.
Might I add a COLD day.
But a nostalgic cold.. reminding me of rainy autumn days past.
I decided to get creative with today's challenge.
So the clouds I photographed... are not your standard clouds ;)
See below:
Day 3: << Clouds >>
Might I add a COLD day.
But a nostalgic cold.. reminding me of rainy autumn days past.
I decided to get creative with today's challenge.
So the clouds I photographed... are not your standard clouds ;)
See below:
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Un Jueves Loco
Here is something I have been learning.
2 things actually.
First thing: People talk.
Second thing: News travels quickly.
Sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it's a bad thing.
But it's always a good thing to keep in mind.
Think before you speak!
Today was LOCO!
But in a good way :)
So here's a summary of my day:
Morning came too quickly, and was rushed, as usual.
I'm not a big "morning person"... I am easily disgruntled in the morning.
But I was just thinking... one key to having a good morning is being content with whatever you're doing, and be thankful for the opportunity to do it. Attitude of Grattitude! Don't forget to thank the Lord each day for all the ways he has blessed you! And remember: sometimes blessings are in disguise ;)
>>Thank you, Heavenly Father, for morning, no matter how early it comes. And thank you for my family, friends, and others you have placed in my life, and for the opportunity to serve others.<<
Later in the day, I did some shoppping. That was nice.
And finalmente, BAND.
I'm so glad it's started again!
Tonight was fun.. new music and new seating arrangements.
Last week, I didn't get my music, so tonight was lots of sight reeeadddingg!!!!
But regardless of how well/ how poorly I played tonight, I am sooooo soooooo super duper excited for this new concert band year!!
It's gonna take a lot of practice, but that's ok.
New year: here I COME!!
Ok so it's time for my photo of the day.
I changed my outfit several times today.
So I think I missed a few things, but I did remember the majority of it.
And now, without further adou, Day 2-
2 things actually.
First thing: People talk.
Second thing: News travels quickly.
Sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it's a bad thing.
But it's always a good thing to keep in mind.
Think before you speak!
Today was LOCO!
But in a good way :)
So here's a summary of my day:
Morning came too quickly, and was rushed, as usual.
I'm not a big "morning person"... I am easily disgruntled in the morning.
But I was just thinking... one key to having a good morning is being content with whatever you're doing, and be thankful for the opportunity to do it. Attitude of Grattitude! Don't forget to thank the Lord each day for all the ways he has blessed you! And remember: sometimes blessings are in disguise ;)
>>Thank you, Heavenly Father, for morning, no matter how early it comes. And thank you for my family, friends, and others you have placed in my life, and for the opportunity to serve others.<<
Later in the day, I did some shoppping. That was nice.
And finalmente, BAND.
I'm so glad it's started again!
Tonight was fun.. new music and new seating arrangements.
Last week, I didn't get my music, so tonight was lots of sight reeeadddingg!!!!
But regardless of how well/ how poorly I played tonight, I am sooooo soooooo super duper excited for this new concert band year!!
It's gonna take a lot of practice, but that's ok.
New year: here I COME!!
Ok so it's time for my photo of the day.
I changed my outfit several times today.
So I think I missed a few things, but I did remember the majority of it.
And now, without further adou, Day 2-
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
30 Day Photography Challenge
Today, I am starting a 30 day photography challenge:
Thank you Samantha for the idea ;)
See below for the first one.
Day 1: << Self Portrait >>
Thursday, September 13, 2012
What is it really?
It is an attitude.
Scarcasm is (to put it very broadly) saying something that you don't mean.
Now granted, there are many types of sarcasm.
Right now, I'm just talking about one, namely: a sarcastic response when someone asks you a question.
You trip, fall and skin your knee.
Your friend says: "Whoah! Are you ok?"
You could react one of two ways.
1. You could say something to the effect of: "Ugh I skinned my knee..." and possibly even "Ow! That hurt."
2. Or you could say something more like: "Yeaah! I'm GREAT! Isn't anyone after they fly into the pavement and start bleeding?"
The first reaction is a genuine answer to the question.
The second, is a hardened (maybe even bitter?) and not really honest answer to the question. The asker, who likely just expressing legitimate concern for you, may be taken a-backor even hurt by your sharp reply.
Scarcasm can easily become a habit... a standard reaction to any question.
Sometimes you react with sarcasm without even thinking.
Not because you have a motive, but just because it's how you're used to reacting.
Sometimes sarcasm could be a way to protect yourself.
A way to express your feelings without directly saying them.
Sometimes sarcasm could be a way to get attention.
Sometimes sarcasm comes about when you've been hurt by someone in the past.
You react with sarcasm because inside, you're still hurt by what they did/said before, and you almost can't believe they have the nerve to still talk to you.
So how can we change our attitude?
I think it starts with dying to ourselves.
We must not focus on ourselves (I feel really clumsy and uncomposed right now... I need to regain control of this situation) (I don't want to sound wimpy!) (Wow, this person never expresses concern for me, and now I'M supposed to accept this gesture of kindness??!) etc, etc.
Instead, we must focus on Christ and others. We need to think before we say something out of habit, and make sure that our words are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy...(Phillipians 4:8). Have an attitude of grattitude for the people God has placed in your life, and be ready to express joy in every situation and constantly be a vessle of God's love, forgiveness and grace. It's an attitude of humility: being open and willing be sincere and/or to show that we're weak, instead of pride and trying to protect ourselves or get revenge or whatever.
I'm not saying that I'll ever totally stop being sarcastic, but I do think it's good for all of us to think before we speak, and examine our attitudes.
Nuevo subjeto!
Mi trabajo.
He sido trabajando desde el fin de agosto.
Cuando empece, yo estaba trabajando a jornada completa.
Pero ahora, estoy trabajando de jornada parcial.
Mi trabajo es muy ocupada. Y hay mucha estres.
Un parte de mi trabajo es ayudar a los pacientes hispanicos/los hispanohablantes.
Me encanta el espanol! Pero mi espanol es muy lejos de perfecto.
Muchas dias, tengo mucho sueno.
Lentamente, estoy acostumbrandome a mi trabajo.
Bueno.. sea lo que sea..
I like making food.
Sometimes when you can't hardly do something anymore (in my case, for lack of time) you come to appreciate it more!
I'm thankful that my mom is still cooking.
My mom is a superb cook!
Tonight she is making stuffed peppers.
Normally I don't like peppers, but when mom makes them like this it's so delish!
Yum yum yummmmmmmmmmm.
On Friday, I turned 18.
It was a busy day.
My boss was so thoughtful- she bought me coffe (white choco mocha x) and this coffee cake thingy!
Later when I came home, my sister called me upstairs.
My door to my room was closed...
I was like "Are you in here?"
"Yeah." she said.
So I opened the door....
I was greeted by a chorus of: "SURPRISE!" and my room was full of balloons/streamers!
It was a special afternoon!!
(note: my floor is still covered in balloons:)
Then in the evening we played frisbee!
It was a great night for it! (a bit breezy for the frisbee, but it was refreshing!).
What a special day!
Thank you God for Birthdays- for allowing me to complete another year!
I'm an adult now.
It doesn't feel like I should be...
But legally, I am!
I can now: vote, carry pepper spray, and enter in all those contests that say "must be 18 or older to enter" lol.
I'm a "grown up" now ;)
Today I tried this new nail-doing tecnique.
I don't paint my finger nails very often because it always comes off so quickly.
But I talked to one of my friends from volunteering yesterday, and she told me how she did her nails with scotch tape!
So I decided to try it!
What is it really?
It is an attitude.
Scarcasm is (to put it very broadly) saying something that you don't mean.
Now granted, there are many types of sarcasm.
Right now, I'm just talking about one, namely: a sarcastic response when someone asks you a question.
You trip, fall and skin your knee.
Your friend says: "Whoah! Are you ok?"
You could react one of two ways.
1. You could say something to the effect of: "Ugh I skinned my knee..." and possibly even "Ow! That hurt."
2. Or you could say something more like: "Yeaah! I'm GREAT! Isn't anyone after they fly into the pavement and start bleeding?"
The first reaction is a genuine answer to the question.
The second, is a hardened (maybe even bitter?) and not really honest answer to the question. The asker, who likely just expressing legitimate concern for you, may be taken a-backor even hurt by your sharp reply.
Scarcasm can easily become a habit... a standard reaction to any question.
Sometimes you react with sarcasm without even thinking.
Not because you have a motive, but just because it's how you're used to reacting.
Sometimes sarcasm could be a way to protect yourself.
A way to express your feelings without directly saying them.
Sometimes sarcasm could be a way to get attention.
Sometimes sarcasm comes about when you've been hurt by someone in the past.
You react with sarcasm because inside, you're still hurt by what they did/said before, and you almost can't believe they have the nerve to still talk to you.
So how can we change our attitude?
I think it starts with dying to ourselves.
We must not focus on ourselves (I feel really clumsy and uncomposed right now... I need to regain control of this situation) (I don't want to sound wimpy!) (Wow, this person never expresses concern for me, and now I'M supposed to accept this gesture of kindness??!) etc, etc.
Instead, we must focus on Christ and others. We need to think before we say something out of habit, and make sure that our words are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy...(Phillipians 4:8). Have an attitude of grattitude for the people God has placed in your life, and be ready to express joy in every situation and constantly be a vessle of God's love, forgiveness and grace. It's an attitude of humility: being open and willing be sincere and/or to show that we're weak, instead of pride and trying to protect ourselves or get revenge or whatever.
I'm not saying that I'll ever totally stop being sarcastic, but I do think it's good for all of us to think before we speak, and examine our attitudes.
Nuevo subjeto!
Mi trabajo.
He sido trabajando desde el fin de agosto.
Cuando empece, yo estaba trabajando a jornada completa.
Pero ahora, estoy trabajando de jornada parcial.
Mi trabajo es muy ocupada. Y hay mucha estres.
Un parte de mi trabajo es ayudar a los pacientes hispanicos/los hispanohablantes.
Me encanta el espanol! Pero mi espanol es muy lejos de perfecto.
Muchas dias, tengo mucho sueno.
Lentamente, estoy acostumbrandome a mi trabajo.
Bueno.. sea lo que sea..
I like making food.
Sometimes when you can't hardly do something anymore (in my case, for lack of time) you come to appreciate it more!
I'm thankful that my mom is still cooking.
My mom is a superb cook!
Tonight she is making stuffed peppers.
Normally I don't like peppers, but when mom makes them like this it's so delish!
Yum yum yummmmmmmmmmm.
On Friday, I turned 18.
It was a busy day.
My boss was so thoughtful- she bought me coffe (white choco mocha x) and this coffee cake thingy!
Later when I came home, my sister called me upstairs.
My door to my room was closed...
I was like "Are you in here?"
"Yeah." she said.
So I opened the door....
I was greeted by a chorus of: "SURPRISE!" and my room was full of balloons/streamers!
It was a special afternoon!!
(note: my floor is still covered in balloons:)
Then in the evening we played frisbee!
It was a great night for it! (a bit breezy for the frisbee, but it was refreshing!).
What a special day!
Thank you God for Birthdays- for allowing me to complete another year!
I'm an adult now.
It doesn't feel like I should be...
But legally, I am!
I can now: vote, carry pepper spray, and enter in all those contests that say "must be 18 or older to enter" lol.
I'm a "grown up" now ;)
Today I tried this new nail-doing tecnique.
I don't paint my finger nails very often because it always comes off so quickly.
But I talked to one of my friends from volunteering yesterday, and she told me how she did her nails with scotch tape!
So I decided to try it!
The thumb nails are the only ones I did with tape.
Unfortunatly, they turned out really sloppy. it's so hard to cut the tape and stick it on!
I ended up doing them in a half-hazard, slap-it-on fasion.
Still though, they turned out nice-ish.
We'll see how long it lasts before the tape falls off!
I really do like PA.
Seeing extended family.
Grandma's house.
The big-ish creek.
The majestic mountains.
The eagles. The deer. The snakes. The wooly bear&the white n' black caterpillars. Sometimes bears!
Fresh apple cider and apples.
The old railroad bridge.
Drinking hot cocoa out of little, thick-ish brown and white mugs.
Writing notes on the dry erase board.
Eating cotton candy/teaberry ice cream.
Reading/making up a song for the poem in the wall-hanging.
Spotlighting deer.
Helping find dead deer and all that follows.
Frequenting the general store to buy candy :)
Trying to catch tadpoles and other water critters.
Stopping to see the fire department make apple butter.
Long car rides.
Breathtaking views.
Stocking trout.
Country store meat.
Hiking at beaulah land.
Looking for teaberries.
Arguing over who's unpacking their bags into which drawers.
Running out to the garage to check email.
The bulk foods store.
Birch beer.
The "clunk, clunk, clunk" of dad's boots on the porch as he returns home from morning hunting.
Calling my friends back home on the white cordless phone that dies so often.
Rattlesnake rock.
Stargazing in an open field.
And so much more.
Countless memories.
I thinking this year, I might possible have an appreciation for PA like never before.
When the weather starts to get cool...
When the first frost comes...
When the leaves start to turn and fall...
As October draws near...
I'll step outside and say "Today feels like Pennsylvania."
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